ผลงานหลัก ๆ ที่ผ่านมาของเรา ได้แก่โครงการดังต่อไปนี้:
1/2014-5/2014 | A Large Telecom Company - Unified Database |
PROJECT DESCRIPTION | The client aims to improve their business processes related to Customer Order Management in order to provide better and faster services to their customers who make use of the services via shops and branches throughout the country and also via call center. Scope of the project primarily consists of three portions -- unifying reference data from disparate systems into a single enterprise repository, replacement of the Order Management system and enhancement of the existing Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). |
CONTRIBUTION | Triple Ten was subcontracted to lead the design and enhancement of the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) portion which is the system responsible for communication between essential systems including Billing system. The work involved analysis of existing source code, re-designing, implementation and deployment of new ESB applications. The successfully implemented components not only eliminated several key bottlenecks and simplified system complexity but also were used as framework for future development of other new ESB applications. Moreover, Triple Ten was also responsible for performance analysis and tuning of the Order Management applications. As a result of Triple Ten's contribution, overall execution and response time of client-side and batch applications were significantly improved. |
6/2011-1/2013 | A National Central Bank - Electronic Financial Services Development |
PROJECT DESCRIPTION | The Electronic Financial Services (EFS) system is one of the most critical systems in the bank which have been using for over 10 years. Key functions of the system include provision of large value fund transfer and settlement services for financial institutions in the country. The bank intends to replace existing EFS system with new infrastructure and technologies including Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) so that the new system is able to not only provide more stable, more secured, more efficient services but also formally construct SOA infrastructure in the organization. |
CONTRIBUTION | Triple Ten was subcontracted to lead the design and development of core functions portion. The successfully implemented components were used as framework by several development teams including client and client’s sub-contractor teams. At first, this part was under management of another subcontractor and was in severe trouble in terms of quality and unpredictable timeframe. After administration by Triple Ten, this part was recovered and finally completed with good quality and within reasonable timeframe. |
01/2011–12/2011 | Northern of Thailand’s Largest Leasing Company - IT Consulting Service |
PROJECT DESCRIPTION | The client aims to improve their IT management and processes to be able effectively support their fast growing business. And in the future, the company has a bold aim to be the first Thai bank originated from northern of Thailand. During 2010, the company was looking for an IT professional who will be able support and realize their goals and I was chosen to take these responsibilities. |
CONTRIBUTION | In this project, Triple Ten supplied an IT Consultant. He not only provided recommendations to client’s executive but also restructured their IT organization and managed their IT staffs. He analyzed client’s current environments including IT systems, organizational structure, processes and key problems and provided recommendations and managed to take several practical and realistic actions to solve problems and improve IT processes. As a result, the client’s IT department has been noticeably improved within a short time period especially in terms of organizational structure and processes. |
01/2011–4/2011 | Regional Office of World Leading Automobile Company - Supply Chain Management |
PROJECT DESCRIPTION | The client intends to improve their supply chain management in order to reduce costs and shorten time taken in the process. Scope of the project is design and development of a custom intranet application. Functionality of the system ranges from master data management e.g. location, region, maker, part, model, tariff, distributor, supplier, shipping agent etc. to management of daily processes such as tax excise, export entries, privilege forms, submitted documents etc. |
CONTRIBUTION | In this project, Triple Ten was subcontracted to develop some parts of the system. Along with other parts, the successfully implemented parts significantly helped improve client business and reduce time taken in the processes. |